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Dec 20, 2021

The skills required to succeed in digital marketing are constantly changing, which makes it very hard to keep up with all of these changes.  So how is the marketing industry coping with developing and learning all these new skills? 

Daniel walks us through what  Target Internet's Digital Skills Benchmark results tell us...

Dec 7, 2021

Audience Insight Tools

Daniel and Ciaran explore must-have tools for better marketing audience intelligence. These free tools will help you uncover who your website audience is and what they are interested in. Get a greater depth of understanding and clarity than your standard analytics can give you. Discover exactly...

Nov 26, 2021

Earlier this week, ethical and global cosmetics brand Lush announced their intention to shut down their activity on multiple social media platforms.

“The global Lush brand will be turning its back on Instagram, Facebook, TikTok and Snapchat until the platforms take action to provide a safer environment for users. This...

Nov 18, 2021

If culture is the foundation of every successful brand, is your organisation fundamentally doomed?

Does your organisation settle for inadequate employee performance, mediocre outcomes, and unremarkable earnings? It doesn’t have to be like this.

We speak to Mark Miller and Ted Vaughn, the cofounders of Historic Agency...

Nov 11, 2021

Are you using the right strategies to get people excited about your marketing content?

Daniel and Ciaran take a deep dive into the ongoing issues around creating great Evergreen content that continually works. They explore keyword research techniques and how to create better performing titles, so your stands out among...