Dec 28, 2014
Tools to help with your web
Ciaran walks us through a few of the online
tools he has been making use of over the past 6 months to
help with various online projects. Take some time out in the new
year and have a play with a few of these.
Dec 3, 2014
Daniel walks us through creating an effective social media outreach campaign online. Learn effective methods to leverage on one to one relationship building online to boost the consumption of all that great stuff you are all doing. Learn how to identify the most effective content being shared socially to guide you...
Nov 19, 2014
Daniel introduces Target Internet’s new free resource, The Digital Marketing Toolkit which includes over 50 carefully chosen essential digital marketing tools and resources to help your digital marketing efforts. To get you in the mood we introduce you to a couple of the tools that feature in this fab collection
Oct 19, 2014
Daniel talks to Guy Avigdor, one of the founders of the Twtrland about his journey building the team and platform that powers their fabulous Twtrland service. 3 years into this journey, Twtrland has scaled to support over 1.5 million users every month. Guy shares some great insights into how they built a service that...
Aug 28, 2014
Daniel walks us through his workflow for quick and easy content curation for social media channels. Learn how to find great content to share with your social media followers. Learn how to work out the optimum number of tweets per day and we take a fresh look at Klout and social scoring.
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